Real Estate

How to Buy Your First Rental Property in 11 Steps

[ad_1] Buying your first rental property doesn’t need to be complicated. With some simple steps, you can go from onlooker to real estate investor, collecting passive cash flow every month! But you’ll never get going if you don’t know where to start. So to make 2023 your best year yet, David Greene, investor, agent, and host of […]

How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever

[ad_1] Search “how to make passive income” online, and there’s a good chance you’ll see “real estate investing” on every list. Why? Real estate investing is one of the most time-tested, stable, and repeatable ways for the everyday American to get rich, build wealth, and start collecting passive income every month. But you’ll never get […]

How The Housing Correction Will Affect Everyone

[ad_1] In this article The rapid price boom many housing markets experienced during the pandemic is slowing down, and many economists expect a housing market correction. The good news is that the housing market isn’t expected to crash. The bad news is that the housing market is entering a new era that isn’t likely to benefit anyone […]

Rental Property Deal-Breakers That Could Kill Your Cash Flow

[ad_1] Which rental property “deal-breakers” could kill your cash flow? When is the right time to stop saving and start investing? And what should you do once you’ve hit your passive income goals? These are all questions that everyday real estate investors like you are asking, and on this episode of Seeing Greene, David will […]

FTX, Fraud, and the Case for Cryptocurrency in 2023

[ad_1] Cryptocurrency is dead in the mind of most investors. What started as an awe-inspiring investment reaching massive multiples in just months, quickly became a subject of contention within the investing community. Some more traditional investors called cryptocurrency an outright fraud, while others claimed it was the final puzzle piece in the battle for a […]

How Does Inflation Affect Your Savings Account?

[ad_1] In this article The last year or so has been challenging for investors and savers alike. With inflation raging and many of the major markets in correction territory, it’s been difficult to find a safe place to park cash. Bond yields have been below the rate of inflation, and savings accounts have offered pathetic interest […]

FIRE by 27 Using the “Chick-Fil-A Rule” of Real Estate

[ad_1] Financial independence is something that people spend decades trying to achieve. For the average American worker, this can be a slow grind, saving a few hundred dollars a month, hoping to be financially free at sixty-five so they can finally enjoy retirement. The problem? You spent three or four decades at a job, waiting […]

Six Benefits Of Exchanging Into Delaware Statutory Trust Properties

[ad_1] In this article This article is presented by Kay Properties & Investments. Read our editorial guidelines for more information. There are a number of potential benefits associated with exchanging into a Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) 1031 property.  However, it is important to note that these potential benefits should also always be carefully weighed with the potential risks that […]

Low-Interest Lending or Risky Rates?

[ad_1] Margin loans could be the sneakiest way to snag a low-interest rate loan in today’s Fed-influenced environment. What most investors don’t know is that you can use your stock portfolio as collateral to get massively discounted lending, but it comes with considerable risk. Carl and Mindy Jensen used this type of lending to buy […]