Real Estate

Sales Slump, Rates Drop, and The Forever-Renters

[ad_1] There are few things more critical to a real estate investor than home prices, mortgage rates, and rent. Thankfully, those are three subjects that Redfin decided to tackle in their new 2023 housing market predictions list. But are these housing market projections the truth, or is the data showing something else entirely? We’ve got […]

What Is Rent Guarantee Insurance—Do Investors Need It?

[ad_1] In this article Rental properties are a fantastic source of income as long as your tenants pay rent. Unfortunately, even the strictest tenant screenings are imperfect, and even the most responsible renters can be hit with unpredictable, life-altering circumstances. That’s when rent guarantee insurance comes in handy.  Rent guarantee insurance provides financial protection if […]

The 3 Signs of a Perfect Rental Property Market

[ad_1] What makes a great real estate market? If you’re a new investor, you might think that high rents and cheap home prices are all that matter, but you couldn’t be more wrong. Experienced investors search for more than just surface-level pricing when looking into where is worth investing. This is doubly true when you’re […]

How To Calculate The Square Footage Of A Home

[ad_1] In this article Knowing how to calculate the square footage of a home is important for real estate investors. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a property, renovate an existing one, or need to measure a rental property’s rooms for furniture placement, you need to know how to calculate the square feet you’re […]

Write-Offs, Loopholes, and How to Pay Less Next Year

[ad_1] Real estate tax strategies are plentiful. In fact, real estate investing is one of the most tax-beneficial investments you could make, with a plethora of tax write-offs and loopholes you can use to avoid taxes legally. But, if you’re new to real estate investing or don’t know about many of these strategies, you could […]

How to Build a Real Estate Portfolio from Scratch in 2023

[ad_1] Want to become a real estate millionaire? You’re in the right place. No matter how much money you’re starting with, how much experience you have, or how many Seeing Greene episodes you’ve watched, it’s ALWAYS possible to build wealth through real estate. But that’s easy for someone like David Greene and Rob Abasolo to […]

How To Win Big As A Buyer In These Market Conditions

[ad_1] In this article I bet you’ve heard people say, “I’m going to wait to buy when housing prices start going down” more than once over the last couple of years. Well, guess what? Housing prices are decreasing, but we aren’t seeing an influx of new buyers. Many of the same people who were waiting […]