Real Estate

Tulsa Real Estate Market Overview—Prices & Trends

[ad_1] In this article Tulsa, Oklahoma, is an exciting real estate market featuring strong population growth, job growth, and cash flow potential. The area has an excellent economic climate to support great investing returns well into the future. Here, we’ll cover the following: Home Prices Rent Trends Population, Labor Market, and Income Cash Flow Potential […]

Why Investors NEED to Change in 2023

[ad_1] The housing market is an unstable beast. As soon as you’ve got your footing in one strategy, it violently jerks you into another, often by force. This is how most investors felt during the great recession as flipping profits dried up, home sales fell off a cliff, and investors were faced with a tough […]

Savings Stuck At Zero? Here’s How to Grow Your Bank Account

[ad_1] Once you know how to save money, you can start stacking those savings to buy real estate and businesses or invest in long-term wealth-building investment accounts. But, without a steady stream of savings coming in, you’re treading water, and one emergency expense could completely blow you off course. In a high-cost-of-living area like Washington, […]

How to Build Bigger and Setting SMARTer 2023 Goals

[ad_1] What are your 2023 goals? If you don’t have an answer in mind just yet, don’t worry, there’s still time to lock in your plans to have a wealth-building, financial freedom-finding, more fun (and frugal) new year. And while goal setting for many people can seem almost arbitrary, top investors, again and again, point […]

How to Estimate Rehab Costs and Where to Find the Right CPA

[ad_1] Need to know how to estimate rehab costs, even if you’re investing out of state? For most investors, it seems almost impossible to do a full-scale renovation while living hundreds, or thousands, of miles away. But, many time-tested investors have done it (including Tony), and you can too, but you’ll need to know who […]

24 Units in 2 Years by Making Your Rentals Match the Market

[ad_1] Twenty-four rental units in two years! It’s possible, but only if you’re using the same principles that today’s guest has employed. With house hacking, HELOCs, the 80/20 rule, and a few more strategic investing moves, you too could fast-track your path to financial freedom. If you want to build your dream real estate portfolio […]

Do 40-Year Mortgages Ever Make Sense?

[ad_1] Renting vs. buying a home, forty-year mortgages, HELOCs, and relationships vs. real estate. There’s something for everyone on this episode of Seeing Greene, as David tackles questions that go far beyond just basic investing. And as the housing market continues to get even more confusing, homebuyers, landlords, and sellers are stuck with some serious […]