Real Estate

How to Plan for (and CRUSH) Your 2023 Goals

[ad_1] It’s 2023 goal-setting time! For some investors, setting goals is a coveted experience where they get to center themselves and plan for the coming year. For others, setting goals can seem stressful as there are too many shiny objects always around to chase. This type of dichotomy exists even among the most experienced investors, […]

Year-End Tax Tips and How to Owe Even Less in 2023

[ad_1] If you talk about how to avoid taxes, most people will think you’re doing something fishy in the eyes of the IRS. Very few know you can use the tax code to massively lower your year-end burden, all while making an ordinary income. Real estate investors have been doing this for years, using so-called […]

The iBuyer Massacre and Why Most Will Never Survive

[ad_1] Zillow, Opendoor, and other iBuyers made quite a name for themselves over the past two years. By buying up every house on the block, iBuyers quickly became the “no work, best price, all cash” alternative to selling through an agent or a wholesaler. These huge, wall-street funded businesses were buying thousands of homes in […]

3 Coast-to-Coast Markets We’d Invest in Next Year

[ad_1] Each real estate market has its own type of flavor. Some are short-term rental markets, others are affordable cash-flowing long-term rental markets, and many are in between, capitalizing on strong appreciation with enough monthly profit to keep investors going. The great thing about investing in the US is that we have fifty states’ worth […]

San Diego Real Estate Market Trends

[ad_1] In this article The San Diego metropolitan area features a robust housing market—with some of the highest historical rent and price appreciation in the United States. Anchored by a growing economy, low unemployment, and a significant military presence, the San Diego real estate market offers investors a stable base with strong long-term growth prospects. […]

From Line Cook to Long-Term Investor with 32 Wholesale Deals

[ad_1] Hard work comes with everything, and real estate is no exception. To achieve success, you must be willing to work hard and continue to work hard even when things get rough. That means viewing mistakes as lessons and being resilient enough to power through whatever life throws at you. Today’s guest, Sahleem Lee, started his real estate journey […]

The 3-Step Formula to Go From Broke to Millionaire in 2023

[ad_1] Lewis Howes has made a career taking the insights of millionaires and masters of crafts and turning them into digestible, actionable steps that everyday Americans can use to achieve their dreams. He’s talked to investing moguls, sports icons, mindset authorities, and everyone in between. Through doing this, he’s become an expert on building the […]

From Toxic-Marriage to Financially Independent Mom

[ad_1] Finding financial freedom is hard enough, but doing so right after going through a toxic divorce can seem almost impossible. All of a sudden, you’ve gone from a two-income household to just one, your children are now your sole responsibility, and you’ve got to almost financially start over. Finding financial independence after events like […]