Real Estate

5 Ways to Win During a Down Housing Market

[ad_1] Knowing how to invest during a recession is what separates the good from the great investors. Most veteran real estate investors know that during downtimes, the lucky landlords get swept away while the intelligent investors start to pad their pockets with deals others are too scared to take. This is both an opportunity and […]

Creative Financing 101 with No Cash, Credit, or Credentials

[ad_1] Pace Morby’s name is synonymous with creative financing. In fact, you could say that he’s brought back a revival of strategies like subject to and seller financing. He’s been so successful with these strategies that Pace has been able to buy over six hundred rental units this year without using a single bank loan! […]

NAR Economist Thinks Housing Prices Could Rise In 2023—Is That Possible?

[ad_1] In this article Most economists agree: Housing prices are expected to fall, nearing a bottom sometime between 2024 and 2025 before rebounding. That’s the opinion of analysts at Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Moody’s Analytics, Capital Economics, The National Association of Home Builders, KPMG, and Fitch Ratings. But some economists, including National Association of Realtors Chief Economist Lawrence Yun, believe decelerated growth is […]

Why Are My Rental Property Returns Looking So Bleak?

[ad_1] Most investors buy rental property for cash flow, and much to their surprise, no cash flow is to be found once the deal is done. Maybe they’ll get some limited returns in their first year of landlording, but with cash flow-induced frustration, they decide to try another strategy. This happens again and again as […]

All the Money Hacks We WISH We Had Known About

[ad_1] Travel hacks, spending hacks, medical hacks. If there’s one thing that Chris Hutchins has learned from hosting the All the Hacks podcast, it’s that everything is negotiable. You can travel to over sixty countries for (almost) free, outsource your cooking at a reasonable rate and even get free money once forgotten. Chris should know—he’s […]