Real Estate

How Much Do Real Estate Agents Make?

[ad_1] In this article Real estate agent earnings vary widely based on numerous factors, including experience, location, and niche. Some agents struggle to get by while others earn a comfortable living.  However, some constants exist in how real estate agents work and get paid. For example, most real estate agents work on commission, which they […]

Better Than BRRRR!? How to Make $200K+ on ONE Deal

[ad_1] The BRRRR method is one of the most celebrated, highly-effective real estate investing strategies the world has ever known. Never heard of it? BRRRR stands for “Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat” and is a simple framework to allow any real estate investor, no matter their skill level, to get into real estate investing for […]

6 Of Your Burning Questions, Answered

[ad_1] In this article A condo can be an attractive choice when purchasing an investment property, especially for first-time investors. They generally cost less than single-family homes and can be easier to maintain. However, whether or not they’re a good investment depends on several factors. Ready to learn more? Read on as we uncover the […]

Top 5 Recession-Proof Housing Markets In 2023

[ad_1] In this article This article is presented by Rent To Retirement. Read our editorial guidelines for more information. Choosing the right real estate investment to add to your portfolio requires ample research and extensive knowledge about the market that you’re investing in. A poor decision can result in your portfolio dropping substantially in value. When markets […]

What Are They And How Do You Find Them?

[ad_1] In this article Real estate properties listed as “off-market” are not publicly listed for sale. However, that does not mean that you cannot buy off-market properties. You may discover a great and lucrative real estate investment if you know how to find off-market properties.  What is the best way to find off-market sales? Are […]

How to Achieve Financial Freedom Through Real Estate

[ad_1] Financial freedom is the goal we’re all after. Whether you want to replace your nine-to-five income, retire your spouse or family members, spend more time with your loved ones, or just have enough money to travel the world, reaching financial independence is truly the American dream. And the wisest, most stable way to find […]

A “New Era” of Unemployment is Coming

[ad_1] Unemployment was supposed to be much higher by now. With the Federal Reserve increasing its rate hikes over 2022 and into 2023, the labor market should have cracked already. But it hasn’t, and many mainstream investors have struggled to determine why. With a higher cost of capital, businesses should be more selective with who […]

The Cash Flow “Golden Age” Could Be OVER

[ad_1] The golden age of cash flow real estate investing could be over as we know it. For the past decade and a half, landlords got used to buying standard homes that made a killing in cash flow. Combine that with exponentially appreciating home prices, and anyone who purchased a property in the past ten […]