
The 12 Corporate Video Types and When to Use Them


Maintaining the attention of your audience isn’t always easy with content creation. Unfortunately, most consumers don’t have the time or motivation to read through your carefully crafted webpage — and images alone aren’t enough to convey the messages you need to get across. 

That’s where corporate videos come in. 

There’s minimal effort involved for consumers. They just click on a video, and watch your brand message come to life. Read on to learn about the different types of corporate video and how to build an effective strategy that converts potential buyers into loyal customers.

What Exactly Are Corporate Videos?

A corporate video is a term that’s used to define all forms of corporate messaging through video communication. This can include brand awareness videos, explainer videos and customer testimonials. But these are just some of the many business videos you can create.

Video marketing is a powerful tool in reaching your audience, and it’s become increasingly popular in recent years; 91% of marketing professionals reported using video content as a marketing tool. Of those marketers, 87% said that videos have increased sales, and 91% found videos helped to boost traffic to their business website.

The 12 Different Types of Corporate Videos

1. Promotional

Promotional videos are designed to showcase your products and/or services. The key focus of this content type is to spark interest and intrigue in customers. This should inevitably persuade them to purchase from your company. 

2. Explainer Videos

Product demonstration videos let you talk about individual products, show how to use them and advertise their best use cases. Explainer videos are very popular among consumers. In fact, 96% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a company’s product or service.

3. About Us Videos

These videos function as an introductory message that invites consumers to learn about how your organization came to be. About us videos give you the chance to display your company’s personality and enable you to share your:

  • Corporate history.
  • Company ethos.
  • Overall mission.
  • Company leaders.

4. Internal Communication

Companies can use this video type to share recent business developments with their employees, clients and other internal stakeholders. This could include expansion plans, new product blueprints or structural changes — but they can cover any topic that requires company-wide distribution. Since video consumption is so effortless, they can inform thousands of people that may otherwise miss the memo via email or news release.

5. Training Videos

Utilizing the video medium for employee training is a great way to save them time. Instead of reading pages upon pages of info-heavy documents, they can benefit from engaging training videos that are easier to absorb.

6. Testimonials

A customer testimonial video often involves a short interview with a customer who has benefited from your products or services. Making a testimonial can provide an honest review to help you connect with potential customers. These video types present your business in a trustworthy and reliable light.

7. Corporate Documentaries

Form an educational environment from a natural setting. Corporate documentaries give your brand an element of transparency that customers and clients value. You can capture the real-life atmosphere of your office environment, record a high-ranking employee’s day-to-day, or schedule a meetup with the founding team to reminisce about the early days. 

8. Industrial Videos

Industrial corporate videos are usually aimed at industry-specific audiences. If your target audience has niche expertise, you can educate them on your products and services. These videos give you the chance to establish your company as an experienced team of thought leaders, innovators and experts in the field.

9. Corporate Events

If your company occasionally hosts events, it might be a great idea to document these activities for greater publicity. Event videos can also bring client and recruitment opportunities. Celebrations aren’t the only events you can host. You can also include conferences and seminars in your video marketing initiatives.

10. Recruitment Videos

Talent recruitment videos are used to attract skilled workers and persuade them to apply to your company. These usually reflect a company’s culture, personality and values. They also share employee experiences and outline the professional growth opportunities that come from working with them.

11. Social Responsibility

These video types are designed to show how your business is doing its part to contribute to the wider community. Social responsibility videos can showcase your company’s: 

  • Work alongside charities.
  • Green practices. 
  • Efforts toward a better working environment.

This content inspires viewers and demonstrates how your business takes actions that reflect your core values.

12. FAQ Videos

FAQ clips are short videos that let you cover the most common questions related to your products and services. This is a great way to provide quality customer service. Words don’t agree with everyone, so videos can offer a straightforward, accessible solution for querying customers.

How To Build a Great Corporate Video Strategy

  1. Lay Out Your Goals

The first step in forming your video strategy is understanding your goals. Is the focus of your corporate video for education or persuasion purposes? Are you primarily aiming to engage, motivate or convert your audience? Understand the outcomes you wish to achieve to establish the foundations that you’ll build upon.  

  1. Understand Your Audience

Next, you need to learn about your intended audience — and we don’t mean simply knowing who they are. We mean really analyzing and understanding your viewers’ perspectives. What kind of people are they? Are they internal or external stakeholders? What preconceptions might they have about your business or industry? 

  1. Set Your Timeline

Deadlines provide a structure that your team can use as a helpful guideline. Lay out a rough timeline that accounts for marketing, video production, social media and other forms of distribution. Although schedules may require restrictions, try to maintain a semi-flexible approach for the best results. You may be able to put a time limit on creativity, but successful marketing material stems from thoughtfully crafted content.  

  1. Establish Your Budget

As part of the planning process, you’ll need to set a realistic budget for your video project — one that will enable you to achieve your goals, but doesn’t overspend. First, consider your production options. Do you have an in-house team that can meet your expectations? Would you benefit from outsourced video production? Then, think about the details of your video. How long would you like the video to be? All of these elements factor into your overall video budget.

  1. Plan Out Your Videos

Now comes the time to get creative. Outline the key points you’d like to communicate and brainstorm some complimentary visuals. When constructing your corporate, make sure to prioritize:

  • Clear messaging.
  • Brand recognition.
  • Quality production.
  • Seamless editing.

Tips for Making Your Corporate Videos Stand Out

Construct a Killer Intro

The first few seconds of your corporate video are the make or break period where you either grab the customer, or lose them. One effective method to capture your audiences’ attention is to ask a question that directly addresses the issue(s) they experience in everyday life. Understand the common problems that aggravate your intended audience. Then, explain how and why your products and services offer the perfect solution. 

Critique Your Competitors

There’s no shame in peeking at corporate video content within the same industry. In fact, conducting competitor research can help you find inspiration and identify areas you’d build upon. Take a look at your competitors’ videos and make a note of the aspects they’re getting right. This can also help you understand what you dislike and how you want to differentiate your content.  

Keep It Short and Sweet

While you want to make a detailed video that covers all bases, that might have a negative effect. You don’t want to eat into your customers’ valuable time. To really make your videos stand out, you’ll need to ensure your language is simple but powerful. Achieving this may be difficult without professional help. Make sure you have a reliable in-house team, or conduct thorough research to find a creative agency that can convey your message concisely and effectively.

Establish the Perfect Combination of Audio and Visuals

It’s not all about the script. To really master your storytelling, you must perfectly balance the two main elements of video: audio and visuals. Visuals can be as simple as planning out your wardrobes before appearing on screen. This doesn’t mean you need to dress formally, but sticking to the same color scheme will reflect positively on your brand. On the other hand, if you take the motion graphic route, the animation possibilities are endless. Take advantage of the freedom to create any scenario you can think of, and consider ways you can show complex ideas in a simple way.

Don’t Settle for Less

Above all, the best advice we can give is to never settle for less. If you’re not entirely happy with the quality of your corporate videos, then it definitely won’t be enough to impress your customers. Make sure to refine weaker areas and change any aspects you’re unsure of. To avoid hitting roadblocks, corporate video production services can take care of it for you — ensuring you’re happy with your results every time. 

Whether you’re looking to build engagement, generate leads or train your team, video can help you achieve and prosper like no other medium. 


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